Gorgeous gemstones...


Just to give you some understanding and meaning behind the gemstones used in my jewellery : -




'Amethyst'   is said to be a protective stone and helps in creative thinking and spiritual awareness. It is also said to bring emotional stability and inner strength.


'Citrine'   is a 'feel good' crystal and is said to help with self-confidence, inspiring enthusiasm and a positive outlook.


'Rose Quartz'   is known as the 'Love Stone' and is believed to encourage forgiveness.


'Crystal Quartz'   is known as the master healer, working to bring the body into balance and is said to bring positive thoughts and energy.


'Lemon Quartz'   can be given as a gift of friendship and love and makes a very beautiful remembrance stone.


'Smokey Quartz'   is an extremely protective stone, helping to dispel any negative energies. It is believed to help relieve stress, depression and fear.


'Prehnite'   is said to enhance inner knowledge and visualisation. It is also said to calm the environment, bringing peace and protection.


'Turquoise'   is the birthstone for December and is known as the symbol of friendship ~ it is seen as a stone of protection and good fortune.


'Hematite'   is a stone for the mind ~ said to enhance the memory and stimulate concentration and focus. 


'Topaz'   is known for its calming properties ~ it can bring joy, balance emotions and release tension. 


'Amber'   is a fossilised resin and was used for healing and protection. It is said to balance the emotions, clearing the mind and easing stress.


'Tigers eye'   is a powerful stone, helping to release fear and anxiety. It is known to aid harmony and balance.





